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FEDACOVA 2023: European Projects

25 de January de 2024





Throughout 2023, FEDACOVA has participated in leading European projects such as CoDEMO and MixMatters.

CoDEMO aims to compensate for the lack of trained personnel to support the transformation of European companies from 4.0 (digitalisation and technology-centred) to 5.0 (green, resilient and human-centred) organisations; by developing a new co-creation training offer with institutional, academic and socio-economic partners.

Through the creation of an active, open and long-term international community on the co-creation of value 5. 0 (with more than 600 members and 15 national and international dissemination events), CoDEMO covers 3 European areas (South, Central and East) and 3 economic sectors (Health, Agri-Food and Industry), thus contributing to the objectives of the Innovation Partnerships, reinforces the European Education Area and supports the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda (ns. 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17), as well as the Recovery Plan for Europe.

FEDACOVA’s objective in CoDEMO is to develop curricula and vocational certification related to decision making in 5.0 organisations in the agricultural technology stream. In addition, as an active player in vocational training, FEDACOVA will also play the role of labour market and VET partner.

For its part, MixMatters proposes an innovative system that efficiently separates and valorises three types of mixed bio-waste streams with impurities from the agri-food industry (wholesale markets, greenhouses, food and beverage industry) and obtains six high added value products (powdered ingredients, sugar concentrates, recombinant proteins, green fibres, bioactive compounds, plastic monomers).